Kampagne: Logothil
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"Well hello there stranger. New in town? Let me be the first to welcome you to Zoica then, grandest city of the Logothil region. Trading hub of the entire region, home to the grand academy of the arcane arts, center for scholars and researchers, and a shiny beacon of civilisation! Why yes I know it looks like a ruin, why do you ask? Alright alright, if you insist… All those things I mentioned, they are all true. Or well, used to be. Untill that tragic attack, oh some 50 odd years ago now. My papi told me about what happened, or atleast what part of it he remembered. Fire rained from the skies that day. He saw the very stone walls of the city melt in their furious heat. People just turned to sludge and ash if they even got near. In the skies above the city, the most grand and horrendous thing he has ever seen, before or since. Member of the dynasty that founded the city and indeed the academy, Arcalis the golden dragon, in majestic flight. Grandiose sweeps and curves, like a ballet for the whole world to see. His partner in this performance was the greatest living creature my papi had ever seen. It was like a mountain made flesh. Hatefull red glare hit his eyes as the sun sparkled off the crimson scales of the dragon that was raining the fire down on the common folk. Titanic impacts were traded between the two prime creatures, great rends made onto near immortal flesh. Bellowing cries shook the very air as they screamed their anger at each other, and the sonic booms of their spells were like earthquakes upon the lands. My papi fled as far as he could that day, so he never saw what happened in the end. All he knows is that when he came back to the city many weeks later, when the fires of that infernal dragon’s breath finally subsided, that beautifull city he was proud to call his home was but a shell of its former self. The vaulted academy was in ruins. Half the city buildings were but a burned out shell, or a lump of molten stone. He stuck with her though, stubborn as he was. Crime ran rampant for a while. Basically the entire government was either killed or rendered obsolete in that one fell swoop. For years the blow struck that day seemed to have been the death of her. Luckily for us not all good men were lost. Someone we had never heard of before started organising an effective government again. Goes by the name of Elijah Cuu. Security returned to the city, along with a modicum of trade. The great fields of grain surrounding Zoica were still there, albeit a bit neglected. Since we were no longer exporting the stuff, there was plenty of food to go around. What the guy looks like? Huh, funny you should ask. I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen him. I guess he would be tall and handsome and all noblemen like? Anyway, that’s all I got time for I’m afraid. Got the miss waiting at home, you see. A good place for a drink? Well I guess you could try Lurkers up in the north of the city. Tell Lurk I said hi. Anyway, all the best to you and yours!" |
Kampagneninfos: - Regelwerk: Dungeons and Dragons 5e - Vom Spielleiter selbst entwickelte Kampagne - Große ausgearbeitete Region 'Logothil' beherbergt eine Vielzahl an Biomen und Völkern - Tiefgreifende Story mit dichter Hintergrundgeschichte, die es zu entdecken gilt - Sandbox, freie Wahl was getan wird, Handlungen haben jedoch (weitreichende) Konsequenzen - Viele interessante, skurrile, ominöse, irritierende, amüsante und mitunter völlig verwirrende Personen/Fraktionen - Gute Balance aus Spaß und Ernsthaftigkeit - Low magic Setting, entsprechende Gegenstände sind also rar - Greyhawk Pantheon, Primäre Gottheit der Region: Hextor, Götter haben aber eine untergeordnete Rolle - Sprache: Deutsch (Englisch ist ab und an nützlich) - Die Organisation erfolgt über die Vereinsseite und eine zusätzliche WhatsApp-Gruppe
Über unsere Spielgruppe: Derzeit sind wir ein Spielleiter und vier Spieler und spielen mit zwei Gruppen zu je drei Charakteren in einer Welt – was auch zu Crossover-Sitzungen führt(e). Inzwischen haben wir gute 100 Sitzungen voller Spannung und Irrsinn hinter uns gebracht und so etwa zwei Drittel der Geschichte erlebt. Wir legen Wert auf regelmäßige Sitzungen und spielen daher generell jede Woche Montags ab 16:30 Uhr. Um das bestmögliche und vor allem regelmäßige Spielerlebnis für alle zu gewährleisten passen wir aber durchaus Tage, Zeiten und auch den Gruppenwechsel entsprechend aller Teilnehmer an. Auch haben wir eine große Sammlung an Material digital hinterlegt und führen seit Beginn an umfangreiche Notizen in Tagebuchform aus Sicht der Charaktere. Diese sind gleichzeitig aber auch eine gute Quelle für Interessierte oder neue Mitglieder, welche sich mit der Welt vertraut machen wollen. Falls ihr Interesse an weiteren Informationen habt, könnt ihr euch gerne per PM an Anarath wenden. |