"Sit still now, young Parwick, we are approaching the Gate of the Hammer. Wouldn't want to give the Templar guards an excuse to search our cart. They aren't the most pleasant people at the best of times. Yes I know, such an enormous gatehouse, with a door that could take the blast of a dragon's breath, but no walls on either side. They claim it is to show the world that they don't need grand fortifications to keep these lands secure. Their zeal and might rule here in the name of Hextor. Who those two statues on the towers represent? That big one over there is the arch-crusader, Mundo. The other one is the current grand-crusader, Tundrin. Now be quiet and stop asking questions!"
"Right, now that we are past the grand gates, we are in the lands of the Templars. Whatever you do, don't touch anything! If they think you are stealing it will cost you a limb. We are approaching the Fields of Bone now, where they keep all the sinners. It serves as a warning for any who would defy the will of Hextor that this will be their fate."
As the cart rolls on, it passes row upon row, field upon field of people, stretching as far as you can see from the opening in the cart. Most of them have rotten to skeletons, but fresher ones are mingled in from time to time. At first, you wonder why they are all still standing, but then you spot the stakes that are driven through every single one. And judging by the claw marks on some, not every person was dead when the stake went in either. "Unpleasant business, I know." The old cart-driver continues. "At least it's over once we go over that hill there."
As you cross the hill, you are surprised by the sight of neat rows of stones. Thousands upon thousands of grave markers line the sides of the road. "These are the worthy ones, crusaders that died in battle. Dying of old age in your bed after having provided for your family your entire life is much more worthy if you ask me. But then again, no one ever asks me."
As the cart climbs up the mountain side, you suddenly gasp. What on earth! How did they build THAT?
"Takes your breath away, doesn't it? I've come here for decades now, running this food cart, and I still get a lump in my throat every time I see what mankind is capable of. They say that Zoica once looked like this as well, before the wars. But who knows, it certainly doesn't anymore."
As you gaze upon the grand promenade, your eyes dart between the statues that are forming an honorary arch with their swords held high, to the glass domes crowning the buildings on either side. Spires stick out above the hills, seeming to kiss the sky. And rising majestically above it all, the Grand Tower.
"Stop gawking like an imbecile! They hate weakness here, so if you look like a dolt they might just decide to do something about it. And NO, we will not visit the shrine of Mundo's grave. Stop asking already. Look sharp, we have arrived!"