Observatory Books
The way of the stars
A description of how pathways between dimensions exist. These can be used to travel long distances instantly, in theory. These were discovered when certain evocation spells backfired, propelling the caster forward at incomprehensible speeds, instantly killing them. Finetuning the technique has led to the creation of teleporting portals, which basically shield the traveler, before blowing them up with a shaped detonation. This detonation then propels the traveler across the leyline plotted out in advance. Mishaps that are also known to happen include but are not limited to:
- The teleport pad might not shield the traveler properly before propelling them, which results in immediate disintegration.
- The shielding is succesfull, but the shaped detonation does not occur. This results in the traveler being stuck in the shield, which is fortunately easily removed by a trained wizard, stationed at every teleporting pad.
- Shielding is succesfull, but the shaped detonation is shaped poorly. This results in the traveler being propelled to an unknown location. Depending on destination, this can be a minor inconvenience or become life threatening. This is easily fixed by contacting the head of travelling department through a use of magical communication, who will then come to retrieve you.
How your horoscope affects your daily life
It doesn't, move on. No, it really really doesn't, stop asking. IT….DOES….NOT! What's wrong with you? In Hextor's name, go join the moonsisters at Ravengrove if you are that dense!
The moon and why it has a hole
Sadly this book is burned and damaged beyond repair. Its secrets are lost to time.
Mad Dog Maddoc and his bullshit
A short history of why Mad Dog Maddoc chose the pirate life, despite being a gifted youngster and enjoying a privileged upbringing. Lack of mental discipline resulted in him taking on the victim role, which then led him to a string of pillaging, plundering and sacking. Because of his tendency to kill allies that annoy him as well as any who would oppose him, little is known of his actual thought process, although the incident that gave him his nickname is ofcourse well known. That poor poor giant squid. Anyway, his treasure has not been found yet, which is leading to a goldrush of fortune seekers sailing about the points, looking for the proverbial X. The influx of gold from these activities is calculated to over time even exceed the loss of capital he caused, which results in him being seen as more of a local peculiar sort of anti-hero, despite his reign of murder and terror. The pink glasses of commerce at work once more.
Astronomy user handbook
Blablabla celestial objects that go yadablada resulting in an orbit velocity of vroom vroom zoom balading dong gravity well, similar to that of a black hole which blablabla.