Dragon Fight
As you stand guard in the night, gazing up at the moon, you notice a large shadow falling across the land. Something huge is blocking out the stars. Powerful wings flap in the darkness, as the creature appears to be hunting for food.
From the north, a challenging cry is heard echoing through the plains. The sheer volume of the roar makes it painfully obvious that these are no mere bird of prey, but something vast and powerfull. The monster flying above you answers the challenge with a cry of its own, as it turns around to the north.
The two rulers of the skies are circling each other somewhere above you in the darkness, roaring their defiance across the land. The sound of a pitched battle rings down towards you, as they bite and claw eachother, and they cry out in anger and pain.
You notice that your skin starts tingling, as acid rains from the skies, falling in thick globs that hiss and burn as they fall on the ground. Your animals start panicking, as clearly this place is marked for death and destruction.
Then, from above, a gargantuan stream of fire lights up the heavens. You can see as if it was bright daylight, with two monstrous dragons fighting eachother in flight. The smaller of the two is hit frontally by the stream of hellfire coming from the other, and cries out in anguish. You can see its wings shrivel and crack from the intense heat, as it starts plummeting to the ground, somewhere to the south.
The victor cries a challenge to the sky, daring any to oppose it, and then flies back to the north.