"Come and sit, weary traveler. So, I hear you wish to know more about Ailamere?". The old gnome sitting at the table lights his pipe with a piece of tinder from the fireplace, and happily puffs a few clouds of smoke before continuing. "Gotta warn ya. Talking makes me thirsty!" he says, as he waves at the barmaid for another round.
"So, fresh off the boat, are ya? Well, you must have seen the harbor chain then. Harbourmaster Flarnt had it installed, oooh must be about 30 years ago now? Pirates, you see. The warehouses on the docks contain many interesting pieces of this and that, whatever the merchants and, errr, shall we say "creative traders" manage to scrounge up. When Mad Dog Madoc made his move, half the harbor district was in flames. Put Prince Galfridius into a right fit, I remember it like it was yesterday. Who is Galfridius? Well, the father of Maester Xanthioppe ofcourse! I'm not really sure why one is called Maester and the other Price. Must have something to do with Galfridius'marriage. Anyway, I digress."
With this, he makes another gesture at the barmaid, who promptly brings him another tankard of ale.
"So, that was the harbjor. As you entered, on the ljeft you saw a large palace sticking above the skyline. That would be the house of Xanthioppe. Rich bastart, bet he has all the beer in the wjorld in there. And at the front, a large temple complex. This is where Praeter and his cronies hide their feces from the world. Closed society, only members allowed. Some religion, pfah!"
You notice the old Gnome keeps drinking faster and faster, as long as you keep the tankards coming. He is clearly taking advantage of your generosity, but his information is usefull, so it is what it is.
"Shjoooh, bitween the ol temple and the palashj, that big ol walled off thingemybob. That's where Corscantewin is scamming the world from. The bank of, *hick*, the bank of Aaaaiayahmere. More munney than God they sjay. Don't mention witch God tho."
You try to tell the barmaid to slow it down, but the old gnome is having none of it, and the barmaid is only too happy with the extra income.
"Rightyooo, the mjost importunt buildingz of em all! Why Aiamir is known across the sees's. The pweasure domes of Modron! Boyo man can you have funzels thar! Hi class, kawality oot-me-snoot. Had the oppurtoonity to visit once, when sum ritsh fellar took me. Hohoho man! Wud joe laik to go nao swell?!"
And with that last gem of a statement, he falls off his stool and starts snoring on the ground. The barmaid brings you the bill, which you grumblingly pay.
"Welcome to Ailamere!", she says with a smile.