Brief: Shadar Logoth an Gruppe 1
Welcome back to the land of the living.
How much time has passed since last we met? Who knows? The fastest anyone has escaped the clutches of the Black Cube was 57 years, in the time of my progenitor. Even the fabled seer Tanaos Ayumu has been stuck in there ever since I put him in over a thousand years ago.
Needless to say, it is safe to assume my plans have long since come to fruition, meaning I have a unique opportunity: To gloat to those who would oppose me without giving away my plans. It is positively thrilling to rub your faces in it before/after the fact.
No doubt you have already found those traitors, the Therions. I left that vile snake Cenereth without his body, and his upstart broodspawn without her mind. It amuses me to imagine she died trying to eat dust, I would have loved to see it.
Don’t bother rushing back to your precious Ferrozoica. By now it will be firmly in the hands of the empire reborn. Whether Sardak has one of his brood rule there or granted ownership to the line of Harkis will be all the same to you.
Just so you ants know, I knew where that blasted Arcane Nexus was all along. Cute how you tried to hide it though. I must sincerely thank you for rebuilding the academy of Ferrozoica with those amateurs. They were just competent enough to start charging the nexus, yet not competent enough to pose a threat.
By now the concurrence of the prime ascension will be long complete, and I will have left this world of mortals behind. Good luck trying to conquer it back from my cult and allied empire.
All the best,
Shadar Logoth
Ps. Krathus, come back into the fold once you come out. You are a most amusing and resourceful son. Show this letter to the Archimandrite of the cult of Logoth, and have him initiate you into the inner circle. Do explain where that curious green orb came from in your prayers.